Object Manager
Object Manager
Oh, the new new Object Manager is quite good. There are still a few issues though.
- I just want to look at only custom objects - When I'm looking at an org I've never seen before I want to only see custom objects. Custom is the only field you can't sort on.
- Ooh tip - Sort on Deployed - all the standard objects will appear down the bottom. Cool.
- I don't want to see Orders and Contracts and other unused objects in my list ALL THE TIME - if I am not using those objects, I could easily ignore them in Classic.
- Why can't I favourite Objects to appear in the top of my Objects menu just like I can with all records.
- If I want to search for a field starting with W I still have to scroll all the way down until the W fields appear. Why are fields starting with A so important that they appear when you first view the object - why can't I just see ALL fields.
Object Detail
- The action drop down on the right and the name link on the left is annoying.
- The separate tab - wait until Profiles are on a separate tab too - or what if we could choose which tabs we wanted???
- The quick menu on the side to get to each section.
- The filter
- The breadcrumbs to get back to object.
- You can sort on field type.
- If I want to jump to a report or a record, I have to go back to another app first - extra clicks which is annoying.
- Search is confusing. I am in setup and I want to search for a record - nope. You have to go back to an app first.
- You can't see at a glance which fields have history tracking - why oh why take this stuff away!?
- I want to see the namespaces in its own column so I can quickly avoid looking at all the fields added by a particular app. (At least I can sort on API name now).
- I want to see only custom fields - again I could avoid looking at the standard fields that I don't use because I would just jump down to the custom fields.
- Why can't I filter on Custom
- There is no way to quickly see which fields are custom or standard.