

SalesforceIQ was launched at Dreamforce '15. It is two distinct and separate apps. 

It was formerly RelateIQ and was purchased by Salesforce. 

See the SalesforceIQ Keynote from Dreamforce '15 and the Press Release.

  • The Keynote was the typical mix of playacting, props and videos but toned down quite a lot from the other keynotes, which was refreshing. 
  • They had some good video stories in there. 
  • Overall I found the keynote to be a good balance of information and showmanship. 


  • Try googling for SalesforceIQ - it's hard - Google tries to be smart and drop the IQ bit. Try "SalesforceIQ" then the query you want.  
  • I can't find any info for SalesforceIQ in the Partner Portal
  • There are no SalesforceIQ groups in the Success Community that I can find. There is a group now! Here is the link


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