Good Lightning Things

Good Lightning Things

Open Records in different Apps

  • Create a Hyperlink field with a formula that passes in the CASE ID into this structure:

  • To find the URL of the App, copy the link from the Apps menu (right click, copy link address), paste that into notepad, grab the ID from it.

  • So the formula is

  • HYPERLINK("/lightning/app/06m6F0000024IO5XXX/r/Case/" & Id & "/view",CaseNumber)
  • Note: you may want to store the APP ID in a CMDT rather than hard code it.

  • name the field Open in Lightning Console (OpenConsole__c) or similar

Extra Steps Optional

  • Place this Field on the Classic Page Layout

    • One Click for users to jump to Lightning

    • Great for when you start to transition to Lightning and start moving some key fields from the Classic Page Layouts (which is a great tip to MAKE them move to Lightning).

  • Create a Quick Action with just this field in it

  • Place the Related Record Component with this Quick Action on the Record Pages in the Apps that are NOT Console Apps.

    • One click for the user to switch to Console!

    • NOTE: Many Case features ONLY work in Console so Cases should only be used in Console.

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