Accounts and Contacts Rules!

Accounts and Contacts Rules!

Using Outlook or Google Apps

  • Never Keep Personal Contacts and Business Contacts in the same Outlook file or Google Apps account
    • Or give them a Company Name of Personal or a Tag of Personal 
    • You are just not that important to mix all your contacts up, even if you are the owner of the company (says me who does just that - but I have Salesforce for my business specific contacts). 
  • NEVER import Outlook or Google Contacts into Salesforce - I guarantee you there will be rubbish in there, like the local Pizza shop, and the local tree-lopping service. 

Be Ruthless

  • Don't be afraid to delete any semi-crap data. 

Global and State-Based Companies

  • Have a defined structure as to how you will handle Global or State based Companies. 
  • Generally start with the base name as the company Name then have a child company for each location
    • Eg Smith and Sons Lawyers
      • Smith and Sons Lawyers (UK - London)
      • Smith and Sons Lawyers (UK - Manchester)
      • Smith and Sons Lawyers (Hong Kong)
      • Smith and Sons Lawyers (South Africa)
      • Smith and Sons Lawyers (New Zealand)
      • Smith and Sons Lawyers (Australia)
        • Smith and Sons Lawyers (NSW)
        • Smith and Sons Lawyers (VIC)
  • Notice I did not split up UK into UK and cities - that might be OK for an Australian based org - decide what's right for you. 
  • On each Account record have a Legal Name field
    • eg Smith and Sons Lawyers (Australia) may be Smith & Sons Australia Pty Ltd and the UK might be Smith and Sons Law Firm Inc
  • Have another Account field for Other Name(s)
    • eg When "Smith and Sons Lawyers" merge with "Jones & Co" to be "Smith, Jones and Co" have "Smith and Sons Lawyers" as the Other Names in the overall "Smith, Jones and Co" Account record. 

Company Names

  • Decide on shortened vs full names eg PwC vs Price Waterhouse Coopers. Stick to one and use the Other Name(s) field for the other name to aid in searching. 
  • If you are not sure, go to their website and check - eg Myob is just Myob now, not Mind Your Own Business. 
  • Have a Legal Name field or similar to store the entire name including the Pty Ltd. 

General Contacts

  • Have a rule for how to handle General Contacts either:
    • Last Name only - eg Events Coordinator
    • First Name = General, Last Name = Contact or just General Contact as Last Name
    • A checkbox? (not ideal). 
    • An email address on the Account (not ideal as they can't be included in Campaigns or emails). 

Not all Data

  • Have a rule about how to handle incomplete data
    • Eg no Last Name - Mary [Unknown]
    • Or do not allow them.
  • What is the minimum information you want to ensure you have to allow a Contact - eg for a business it should be
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Postion
    • Company
    • Email
    • Phone or Mobile


  • Decide if you are picky about capitalisation of names etc
  • It is so surprising how many people enter their own names in lower case. 
  • You can't auto capitalise because of the van der and van den type names. 


  • Always create indicators of contacts with low or bad data. 
  • Here's a Data Quality Score I set up earlier. This was based on a Blog Post from Salesforce, I think. 
IF( LEN( Phone) = 0, 0,10) + IF( LEN( MobilePhone ) = 0, 0,10) + IF( LEN( Email) = 0, 0,20) + IF( LEN(MailingStreet) = 0, 0,20) + IF( LEN(Title) = 0, 0,20) + IF( ISPICKVAL(Salutation,""), 0,20)
  • Here's a formula to add it to your indicators (see below) 
IF( DataQualityScore__c <= 20,IMAGE("https://login.salesforce.com/logos/Custom/Flag_Red/logo.png","Not enough Contact info",60,60),"")Here's a formula to add the data quality score to your Indicators (see below)
  • Decide if the Contacts should be deleted if the Data Quality Score is too low. 

Why does your Data Exist?

  • Why do they exist in your database? 
    • Is it just a Who's Who of your industry? 
    • Is it to email them or call them?
  • If it's just to do email marketing consider NOT having them in your database. 
  • If they have no Opportunities is there a reason for them to be there. 
  • It may be appropriate to have them in there for if they pop up again 
  • Consider the Privacy Act, GDPR and any other legislation that impacts you. 
  • Don't be afraid to delete crap data! 

Updating Data

  • Every time you call or email someone, just verify their data is correct, and update it. No one else is going to do this for you. 
  • Don't use third party tools to do this, they are so impersonal and spammy. 
  • Or look up LinkedIn and update the Link to their LinkedIn profile

International Data

  • Decide if you insist on ALL numbers to be in international format - eg +61 999 999 999
  • Decide on the format for all numbers - eg do you enter US numbers as (999) 555-5555 or +1 999 555 5555 (My preference is the latter). 
  • If you do do international format never do +61 (0)2 8989 8989 as it can't be dialed when you click to dial. Keep with just the international numbers. 
  • Install State and Country picklists! Just do it! 
    • Yes, add Hong Kong as a country rather than a Province of China, if your business deals with Hong Kong a lot. 

One Contact Many Companies

  • Set Up One Contact to Many Accounts
  • Decide how you deal with Former staff - especially if they have left but are related to Open Opps or long running Contracts. 
    • Put an X in front of their Last Name
    • Or put [LEFT] or similar indicator in front of their Last Name
  • One person may have multiple Titles at the same company - eg Director, Partner. 

Invalid Emails

NOTE: If you have GDPR requirements you need more than this. Seek help from the experts. 

  • Surface the formula field in Lightning because the status is not visible in Lightning. 

Use this if you also have an external app that is updating the Bounce status


Or this if it's just within Salesforece (and Campaign Monitor or Mailchimp for Salesforce). 

  • If you are using a Mailing App then set their Status to Bounced automatically from the app using Process Builder.
    • Make sure it is reset when the email address is changed. 

Sets Email Bounced Date (standard field) to the Last Modified Date from Campaign Monitor Subscriber List Member. 

  • Also set an Unsubscribed from CM field on the Contact 

Using Field State In Campaign Monitor Subscriber List Member

  • And set the Contact to un-set Bounced if the Email changes

  • Export Campaign Member Subscriber List object and update the Bounces and Unsubscribes into the Contact record. 
  • Have a checkbox for No Valid Email - the user can check it if they believe the email to not be good - it is still good to have the incorrect email there for future validation and duplicate checking.  
  • Have an indicator to show a Green or Red envelope icon for Yes or No to Email. 

This one has NPSP Do Not Contact included also. This also includes the letter B, V or O next to the envelope, to tell what issue it is. It's a bit ugly so remove that if not necessary. 

IF( OR(HasOptedOutOfEmail = true, IsBounced__c = true, npsp__Do_Not_Contact__c = true, NoValidEmail__c = true), 
IMAGE("https://login.salesforce.com/logos/Custom/Mail_Red/logo.png","Do Not Email",20,20)& 
IF(OR(npsp__Do_Not_Contact__c = true, HasOptedOutOfEmail = true),"O",IF(IsBounced__c = true,"B",IF(NoValidEmail__c = true,"V",""))), 
IMAGE("https://login.salesforce.com/logos/Custom/Mail_Green/logo.png","Do Not Email",20,20)))

  • Add the extra fields to your Contact layout.
  • Do similar for Phone. 
  • Show it in an Indicator Action so it's prominent. 

This indicator shows: They are part of a Household; They have been included on Campaigns that are Events; They are a Campaign Monitor Subscriber; They have an issue with their email Address; They are affiliated with another Organisation (NPSP)

This is all done with a few key fields and Declarative Lookup Rollup Summary tool. 

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