Flow Triggers (Before-Save and After-Save)

Flow Triggers (Before-Save and After-Save)

Other Pages on Flow Triggers

in progress - TO BE UPDATED FOR WINTER '22

Before-Save Flows - much rejoicing was had when the Spring ‘20 release notes first came out… but are they all they are cracked up to be… let’s investigate. But first, have you seen a Before-Save Flow demo video (apart from mine) that does anything more than updating one or two fields… let’s get real here, in the real world we need do to soooo much more.

After-Save Flows were also released in Summer '20. Winter 21 release had a few new features but were still not enough to move Process Builders to Flows. In Spring ‘21 Winter '22 I think we are finally there! I will update this post with tips and tricks as I migrate all my complex calculations to Flow from Process builder. (Let’s start with Percentage Fields in Flows weirdness).

What do I want Flows and Process Builder to do

  • Display Validation Rules correctly. Geezus. Who ever thought the current way Flows fail with a validation rule is acceptable? Still not good in Winter '22.

  • Be easily able to update data for duplicate management without having to write a trigger. Yep!

  • More clarification or less confusion over the whole “One Process Builder per Object” rule and “don’t mix Flow, Process Builder, Workflows and Triggers” rule. I don’t necessarily subscribe to these rule, but that needs a whole other post (