"Einstein for Sales"
So, a client gets an email offering a great deal on “Einstein for Sales” in which they state “Your sales team can generate personalised emails to send to contacts and leads, easily summarise calls, and gain valuable insights”.
So, I am trying to find out what features they are actually getting for this quoted pricing, so I can determine what I’d have to set up. Wow, this is hard. There is so much differing information.
Let’s start with: this is not “Sales Cloud Einstein” which seems to be the previously known as “Einstein GPT for Sales”. But there is confusion around the names “Einstein for Sales” and “Sales Cloud Einstein”
Sales Pricing
Einstein for Sales $75/user/month* Boost sales productivity with generative and predictive AI
Note the Australian Add Ons Document does not even mention Einstein for Sales, it only mentions Sales Cloud Einstein
“Sell faster with generative and predictive AI, including Einstein Copilot.”
In really really tiny print “Einstein for Sales: Limited credits included. Additional credits available for purchase”
What Features are Included
Wow, finally some answers, but are they? This document says Einstein for Sales includes:
Einstein Copilot
Einstein Copilot Sales Actions
Generative AI
Prompt Builder
Einstein Automated Contacts
Oh wow, some Sales Cloud Einstein Features are apparently included
Einstein Lead Scoring
Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Einstein Forecasting
Einstein Activity Metrics (Activity 360)
Sales Analytics
And Premium EAC, which I don’t know what that is
This document completely contradicts Help Document: Einstein Features in Sales Cloud
The “oracle” of all things naming, the Product Terms Directory says the following
“Customer must maintain a Customer Data Cloud base subscription for the duration of the Order Term of the Einstein for Sales subscription.”
But nothing more useful than that. BUT “Sales Cloud Einstein” is not in the list. HOWEVER, Sale Cloud Einstein is on the list previously and in the same sections that is now “Einstein for Sales”. so is this just a name change as Andrew Russo suggested?
Other Documents trying showing “inclusions”
Oh interesting, this document was linked from a Partner enablement document that said the words “Dive Deeper on each of the features within Einstein for Sales, but then the document is entitled “Sales Cloud Einstein”. So once again, have they just renamed Sales Cloud Einstein to Einstein for Sales? Where is the release note on that? The document is from Summer '18 so I do not trust anything it says.
Einstein Generative AI Features
Get Concise AI-Generated Sales Summaries with Einstein (Beta)
Personalize Sales Emails with Einstein Generative AI for Sales
Create Call Summaries Powered by Einstein
Include Product Info in Sales Emails with Einstein Generative AI
Help Docs: Einstein Generative AI for Sales
“Einstein Generative AI for Sales connects your sales data with the generative capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs). With Sales Emails, your sales team can generate personalized emails to send to contacts and leads. Your team gets precious time back in their day by getting nearly-there drafts, already contextualized and grounded in your Salesforce data. And because trust is our #1 value, you can rest easy knowing that your data is secure.”
“Available with the Einstein for Sales add-on, which is available for an extra cost in Performance and Unlimited Editions”
This is under the heading Increase Productivity with Sales Cloud Einstein. Sales Cloud Einstein seems to consist of EAC, Einstein Automated Contacts (which is not EAC), and Einstein Generative AI for Sales. Again different than the previous two documents).
All the other Sales Cloud Einstein features like forecasting, Opportunity Scoring etc are not under that heading, which is weird.
More credence to “Einstein for Sales” is NOT “Sales Cloud Einstein” Sales Cloud Einstein “Available with Sales Cloud Einstein, which is available in Performance and Unlimited Editions, and for an extra cost in Enterprise Edition.”
More credence to Automated Contacts not being in “Einstein for Sales” Einstein Automated Contacts says “Available with Sales Cloud Einstein, which is available in Performance and Unlimited Editions, and for an extra cost in Enterprise Edition”. (But why oh why would you want Contacts automatically added to Salesforce?)
So not Einstein for Sales is NOT available for an add on in EE? First time we have seen this. (I flagged this as a possible error with the docs team).
Summer 24 Release Notes: Einstein for Sales
“Let Einstein draft sales emails from a sales rep’s inbox and include related information with generative AI. Ramp up on accounts and opportunities by visualizing your contacts in a relationship map. Add buyer profile data to your contacts automatically to avoid manual data entry. Sales reps can draft meeting request emails, with possible meeting slots and a link to the sender’s calendar, using Einstein generative AI.”
Draft Personalized Emails with Einstein
Control Whether Users can Enter Their Own Sales Email Prompt Instructions
Improve the Convenience of Setting Up Meeting Requests
Relationship Selling
Some Nitty Gritty Ts & Cs
“The use of generative AI capabilities, in either a production or sandbox environment, consumes Einstein Requests and possibly Data Cloud credits.”
“Einstein Requests are available in: Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited editions with an Einstein for Sales, Einstein for Platform, or Einstein for Service add-on”
“the specific entitlement indicated in the Usage Details table on the Order Form for such Services”
“Use of generative AI features may also consume Data Cloud credits.”
“The API call size factor is calculated by: ● adding the size of the prompt request plus the size of the LLM-generated response, in words ● dividing by 1,500 words, and ● rounding up to the next highest integer”
Then times that by 10 for the LLM Factor.
With Einstein generated emails, you have no idea the word count in the prompt if you can’t access Prompt Builder or the logs.
“An API call of the Standard usage type with 3,250 words will consume 30 Einstein Requests.”
Considerations for Einstein Generative AI
“Your prompts are sent to large language model (LLM) servers in the United States, and some latency can occur.”
Wait, I thought that was the whole point of Hyperforce so it can be done in your own country, but of course Salesforce is just shifting this off to one of the other LLMs so that’s cool it’s their water that we are using and their dinosaurs that we are burning, so it doesn’t matter to us, hey?
Set Up
If I have to set this up, I need to know what is required. WOW, you have to also set up the whole of Data Cloud to have any of the AI features?
Help Docs: Set up Einstein Generative AI
“Before turning on Einstein generative AI features, ensure that Data Cloud is provisioned and set up in your org”.
“ensure that your org meets the prerequisites for any generative AI features you plan to use”
Contact your AE, yeah, I think we will be going round in circles here.
“By turning on Einstein data collection and storage, you consent to store your Salesforce organization's generative AI activity log and feedback data in Data Cloud. Consent also assumes you’ve reviewed any potential cost implications and assume responsibility for any associated costs”.
But no way of knowing what the cost is. And there is nothing on the Data Cloud pricing for mentioning AI Activity Log https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.c360_a_data_usage_types.htm&type=5
Somewhere else mentions data stream which says “Usage is calculated based on the number of records ingested by data streams with stream processing and the number of records processed by streaming data transforms. Data streams with stream processing include web, mobile, and streaming ingestion API.”
Again, no way of knowing what that is before turning it on and committing to it. But you get 1 million x for “free”, but how long with that last me and that’s just for Einstein for Sales, what if I actually want to do anything remotely useful with Data Cloud as well?
Help Docs: Set up Einstein Trust Layer
“Available in: Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited editions with an Einstein for Sales”
“Before you can set up the Einstein Trust Layer, you must enable Einstein Generative AI and configure Data Cloud in your org. Data Cloud is required to ensure that the Einstein Trust Layer functions correctly and protects your data.”
“Data masking is enabled by default. Enable data masking if it’s turned off to allow the Einstein Trust Layer to detect and mask sensitive data”.
Does that mean we need to pay an extra 10% licence spend for Data Masking on top of the cost of Data Cloud and on top of the cost of Einstein for Sales?
Maybe not, it says “Available in: Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited editions with an Einstein for Sales”
“Data Masking isn’t always available in all features. Ask your Salesforce account executive for more details.”
Draft Personalized Emails with Einstein
“To use Einstein Sales Emails, users need the Einstein Sales Emails permission set. To let reps access the feature in Gmail or Outlook, set up the Gmail or Outlook integration.”
”Choose between pre-made email instructions (1) or enter your own instructions (2) for Einstein and click Draft Email. The pre-made instructions can be default instructions or custom instructions created by your company’s admin.”
So that would mean you need Prompt Builder, right?
Salesforce Help: Draft a Sales Email with Einstein Generative AI
To send sales emails using Einstein generative AI: | Einstein Sales Emails Permission Set |
Good, consistent with Release Notes
Use Pre-Made Email Instructions to Draft a Sales Email
“You can choose from pre-made email types and custom email types created by an admin”
This page links to Prompt Builder help page, but has no other information about an admin creating the emails.
Use Einstein Generative AI and Personal Email Instructions to Draft a Sales Email
To send sales emails using Einstein generative AI: | Einstein Sales Emails Permission Set |
“To use this feature, ensure that Add Email Prompt Instructions is enabled”
Nothing about admin modifying the email still, this is just make it more formal or less formal
Control If Users Can Enter Their Own Sales Email Prompt Instructions
“Available with the Einstein for Sales add-on”
Winter 24 Release Notes: Personalise Sales Emails with Prompt Builder (Pilot)
“To use Prompt Builder, you need the Einstein for Sales add-on”
“This feature is not generally available and is being piloted with certain Customers.”
“To use Prompt Builder, admins need the Einstein GPT Prompt Template User permission set. To use Sales Emails, users need the Einstein Sales Emails permission set.”