Scratch Org with Cumulus CI

Scratch Org with Cumulus CI

I’m learning CCI to use it for Salesforce Indicators.

CCI is now available in Code Builder. Run the following command to install it
python -m pip install cumulusci

Except I can’t get it to work

So I’m just writing down some of the commands I use to come back to it next time.

  • Create a folder and open the folder in VSCode

  • Clone Salesforce Indicators to Local, and set Salesforce Indicators as remote

git init git clone https://github.com/SFDO-Community/Salesforce-Indicators
  • Change to the branch you want to work on

  • Create the Scratch Org

    1. This is a Flow built into Salesforce Indicators cumulusci.yml file

    2. The Scratch Org will be created with 30 days

cd Salesforce-Indicators cci flow run dev_org --org dev
  • Remember to change the name of the org if you are creating one within the 30 Days.

  • Open the Org

sf org open -o Salesforce-Indicators__dev
  • Now install the Sample Indicators and Sample Data

cci flow run config_dev --org dev

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