- Salesforce.com Sandbox Favicon - So useful. Firstly it adds an S on the favicon when you are logged into a Sandbox - so helpful! Secondly it adds the instance of Salesforce to the titlebar (eg if you have a custom URL it will show (customurl) in front of the regular title.
- Salesforce.com id Clipper
- Salesforce.com Enhanced Formula Editor - I find this one both totally annoying and totally useful. I can't decide whether to have it turned on all the time or not. Whenever I have it turned off I miss it, when I have it turned on it annoys me. New features mean that it is less annoying though, so worth having.
- Quick Login As - log in as other users in your Salesforce Org.
- Grey Tab - OMG, how cool is this app - never be without it. I always add "system" type fields to the page layout and clutter up the page layout. This tool just shows every field.
- It even shows the full HTML of rich text fields!
- Salesforce Inspector - just about as OMG as Grey Tab! See Salesforce Inspector for notes.
- Salesforce Admin Check All! OMG how useful is this Extension - Check ALL boxes in the Enhanced Profile Editor!