Disaster Recovery


A backup is only as good as the restore of the data. Test your restore.

Make sure you are backing up the right stuff!

  • Eg when doing a cloud backup, the user that does the backup needs to have access to ALL of the data that needs to be backed up, and that is a security risk in itself.

Where is the data being backed up to

Do you need a physical backup also?

  • Eg ransomware could affect your backup also

How many backups do you need?

  • Eg I have at least 3

What needs to be removed from your backup?

  • Eg if you are deleting data for security reasons, then the data needs to be deleted from the backups also. This may result in needing to do another full backup. This can be a pain.

Data Destruction

Ensuring you deal with hard disks, computers, photocopiers, phones etc when they reach EOL.

Ensuring paper is securely destroyed.