(There is probably something more deeply involved than this, and probably a way I could do something if I sat here for another 6 hours and googled, but it’s a way forward for now, so I have to take it).
API Issues
Ah, it is waaaay more than that! Wow. So I found that my sfdx-project.json was set at version 45 - what the version was when the dreamhouse org was created. I tried to set the version to 47 and all hell broke loose! Way to many errors. (eg enableChangeDataCapture was deprecated in 46)
So, I’m trying to push a version 47 feature into an org whose metadata source is on version 45 and the only way around that is to hack the metadata to comply with the new versions. Gee this sucks. (I know why it is so, but wow, to have to do all this with each release on a huge org where you are trying to use a fully automated CI pipeline, kudos to you, because this sucks).
So I cleaned up the deprecated things, and still nope. I still think there is an issue with the flow specific metadata for 47.
Weird Things
The end goal for me would be to create a scratch org that I am happy using that has all my standard modifications in it (eg as shown in New Salesforce Org).