Versions Compared


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  • Still control the pages via page layouts - not having to set them up in two places like you have to do with Dynamic Forms.

    • But you can still override them with field sections.

    • And changing the Page Layout just works.

  • Multiple Page Layouts on the one Lightning Page

  • When editing a field in a field section, if it is in another section, the edits change in real time and the colour of the field changes to show it’s been edited. Very helpful (if for some reason you have the same field on the layout twice).

  • Read Only Field Sections work when the page is not overriden with the full form, so you can add them to any page layout!

  • BLANK SPACES! Wooohoo!

    • Caveat, you can only do them with regular Page Layouts and Dynamic Forms - Field Section, not Dynamic Forms - Field Section via Fieldset.

  • Loving the help text and field overrides. But remember, as soon as people start to use Reports and List Views they are going to get confused, so use sparingly, like in a data entry form, with the real field also on the page layout maybe.

    • Remember the tip that if the standard field doesn’t already have Help Text, you need to override the name also.

    • The realtime field updates in the Lightning Record Page Setup is amazingly good!

  • Ooh the hover displays on lookup values are different… now, normally I would be against anything that looks different but wow, we have a real option here… what if we could customise the hovers! How cool would that be!

    • But remember the limitations you get with lookups here.


  • Not available for Mobile. We have only just got Dynamic Forms for Mobile so it must be difficult.

    • With all the overrides you have to make, I think you might even have to have a completely separate Lightning Page for mobile.

  • Still makes the Lightning Page that extra second slow to save like Dynamic Forms does.

  • No Compact Mode is a big drawback. I suppose the answer is you should not need so many fields on a page to need to scroll that long, but Compact Mode is still better.

  • I had a problem getting the Save button to function. I think it was because I overwrote the Edit Button as per the Setup page. When I removed that the Save button worked fine.

  • The Save functionality disappeared again at some point, and nothing I did would make it return. Not even removing all Evolve Forms details off the page, saving the page, and then re-adding them one by one. Not even opening in a different browser made it come back. Not even deleting the Lighting Page and rebuilding it would make it come back. Not even starting on a new object would make it come back.

    • Oh dear, this was a simple issue - I had not filled in all the required fields.

    • Oh dear, this raised an even bigger issue, where requiredness does not work like standard.

Related Record Component

  • Very cool component

  • Can include Child values - Oldest or newest! WOW! I would love to see Max or Min based on a date for example.

  • Can include the Icon for the Object or not. Which is so different than Related Record Components.

  • I think this is a winner for now, compared to what they showed for Dynamic Forms Spanning Fields the other day.

Now for the fun part - Soft Validations


Verdict: They are not a panacea. There are a few issues. Use sparingly. I think our Indicators Exception Grid is going to really help with this soft validation issue instead of popups. But it is a really nice way they have built it with the combo of Flow and CMDT.

Calculated Values

  • OK this is techy! I do LOVE a good use case for Apex Defined Data Types, and to use that, in conjunction with an LWC, where the users can build the logic, and then the LWC displays the value is just so amazingly powerful!

  • Yeah, not any Admin is going to be able to do this first go, but once you get the hang of this this is amazingly fantastic!

  • OMG it does work without overriding the forms! You can have the Power of calculated fields, without needing the rest of the product.

  • Mitch, please release this just as a feature on its own please!

Overall Verdict

Where would I use this?

  • Communities (Experiences), definitely, because users won’t be shocked if things are different, and things need to be different on communities.

    • But not if the community will be used on Mobile.

  • Maybe non standard objects, eg key objects for your business that are finicky where you need the extra power.

    • But not if they need to use it on Mobile too (yep, the one object I am thinking of, they use Mobile).

Would I use it now?

  • No not until it is a managed package, but I doubt it ever will be because Google is not about to provide support for an Appexchange app.

  • No I probably would not use the forms functionally as there are still some issues with it.

  • No I would probably not use the soft validations yet.


But Wait! Rea Only Field Sections!

You can use Read Only Field Sections and Related Record Sections without using the Forms override, and you can even use them with Dynamic Forms. So, would I use this product for Field Sections and Related Field Sections that are Read Only - Hell Yes! But they would still not be visible on Mobile and are not Compact Layouts, but maybe on separate tabs it could work.

What would I like to see. :

  • I would love to see the power of Field Sections, Related Record Field Sections as read only fields, as a separate stand alone install, and be available on Mobile.

  • I would love to see the power of Calculated Fields as a separate stand alone install. And be available on Mobile.

  • I would love to see field set with more than 2 columns so I could make my own highlights panel.

  • That way we could use the amazing features of this tool without the issues of having to rebuild all the page layouts and work around all the page layout form limitations.