Flow Testing is new (very new) in Summer ‘22. Now, as we know from “Fields (beta)” that has been released in a state that is quite unusable then drip by drip new features each release and it’s STILL not useable, I don’t hold out any hope for Flow Testing to be useful for many releases yet. Let’s call this release a look at where they are heading with Flow Testing rather than anything you will actually use yet.

Testing vs Tests

Now for a start let’s NEVER confuse Flow Testing with Apex Tests or Tests that you need to to in order to deploy, or anything of that nature. They are different things altogether. So if your developers start arcing up about this being yet another reason to not use Flow then firstly tell them to pull their head in, and secondly, ask them to think about it as a “validation that I haven’t broken anything huge”, or “Flow debug with saved inputs” then ask them to let you know what tests they have running on that object so you can build something similar into your Flow Testing.

Help Docs


DO NOT look for Flow Testing on Trailhead, there is nothing there yet! This is NOT about Flow Testing https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/flow-testing-and-distribution

Opt In

I found this one interesting… you know when you join a pilot you have to go through all this rigamarole to contact your AE then they have to do some BS behind the scenes to nominate you for a Pilot and it takes weeks, and then once you are selected you have to sign your life away by signing the “Unified Pilot Research Agreement”… well in this instance (and it is the same with Fields (beta)), you just agree by creating a new test and by that you are signing your life away… now why isn’t that just standard with any Pilot. Geez! BUT, how unbelievably bad is this for high risk or highly controlled environments where the System Admin is opting a company into a legal agreement without express agreement. This is why I don’t work for large companies. (If you do, address this sort of thing now with your legal team, as it will be used more and more).

Current State

Things to Note

The Good

The Bad

The Weird

Creating a Test


Other Notes