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  • How are you going to Name your Flows?

    • My Naming Convention is… Object_BeforeOrAfterCreateOrUpdate_Criteria

    • It doesn’t really matter but…

      • Be consistent

      • Name them in such a way you can group ALL Active Account Flows in one list view

  • To Subflow or not to Subflow

    • Think of the options

      • Eg Send an Email, Assign a Topic, Send a Notification may be good candidates for Subflows - this is where you will be reusing them.

    • What are your "guidelines"?

      • I don’t like the idea that everything can go into One Flow with Subflows… like trigger logic. But it’s definitely an option. I just think my Flow would get far too unwieldy and processes that only happen occasionally obstruct looking at the core processes.

    • Have you built one big flow and now need to break them into Subflows?

      • There’s no easy way at the moment

    • Multiple Flows are fine, as long as you know that if two Flows are run on the same transaction you can’t determine which runs first.

  • How will the Flow be invoked?

    • Does it need a screen Flow

      • Hours and hours can be spent building Screen Flows when a simple button or Checkbox may be enough.

      • Can a Quick Action be used instead?

      • Record Fields are NOT ready for prime time yet, and did not get any updates in the current release.

      • I’ve not found a Screen Flow Lookup component that actually works and looks and functions like standard.

  • When does the Flow need actually need to run?

    • Does everything really really need to be immediate in the exact same transaction? Maybe not… try the new options of

      • Asynchronous

        • like @ Future annotations in Code

      • Scheduled Paths

    • Pause Elements are a little limiting since they can only be run in Autolaunched Flows

      • See my Automation Hour talk

      • Alternatively try to save a value to a record then run a record-triggered flow off that… but test to ensure it doesn’t run into limits if it’s on the same record.

    • Beware of Scheduled Flows - TEST, Test, then re-test

      • Yeah, I really badly stuffed up!


  • Does your Flow involve updating a field with a value from a Formula?

  • Is your record updated by an external System?

    • I have not found Before Save Flows safe in this instance

  • Can you actually use a Before Save?

    • Try, but in practice it’s not fabulous… and then is it really worthwhile maintaining two Flows, or just move everything to After-Save.

    • Eg DLRS updates a field via a Trigger, which runs after Before Save, so your Flow needs to run after that.

  • Do you have formula fields that rely on other formulas

    • Eg Rate1 * %1 = Fee1, Rate2 * %2 = Fee2, then TotalFees = Fee1+Fee2

    • Maybe do one in a Before Save then one in an After Save

    • They say don’t do same-object field updates in After-Save Flows but I have found it to be necessary.

  • Do you REALLY need that Flow Loop?

    • Have a look at the Collections collection

      • Eg to get a comma separated field of names of contacts where they have the same email address as the existing contact, use Extract Strings from Collection

    • How many records will you be updating at any one time?

      • Can you control the batch sizes? There are new Batch Sizes options in Asynchronous and Scheduled Flows. Otherwise Mass Action Scheduler is amazing for that.
