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5 Users / YearFrom US$960/year (you can buy one user licence)
DescriptionForm building inside Salesforce


Oh gee I was so excited about this product - a proper form building tool inside of Salesforce. It has been quite a while since I looked at this product, so I am looking at it again with fresh eyes because they have done many updates, and I have a new project that I could use Form Assembly for, but I still would like my forms closer to Salesforce.  

Although the issues list has gotten way smaller and the good things list has gotten way bigger, I still can't recommend this app for anything more than the simplest of forms. It is such a shame. It is really getting some great new features. But just the inability to see the field API name after you re-label the field just makes it almost impossible to use still. 

titleAm I asking for too much?

All I want is a powerful form building tool inside Salesforce, so that my data does not have to ever leave Salesforce - where they enter the data is right inside Salesforce, and the record is created or updated then and there. I want the forms visible on a sites page, with the ability to style the forms how I want (yeah, I know CSS is a PITA on sites, but I would be willing to deal with that).

I don't want to have to log into another system and look through for errors, edit the response and manually resend the data (OK, with Form Assembly enterprise, you can at least access it from within Salesforce).

I really like the way Payments2Us does their forms, and if I could harness that for non payment forms, I would.

Someone please please please build me something! I will be a great tester for you!


  • It says it's native to Salesforce but it does not create a link using your own sites URL - so therefore it's not creating a sites form - what is it doing? 
    • Ah, I suppose it says "the first 100% native form builder for Salesforce". It's just the form builder that's native - the form submission is not. 
  • I don't trust apps that link to third party APIs without any explanation of why and what data is going to and coming from third party sites - this app links to three third party sites. It at least needs to be documented in the knowledge base as to what these sites are and what they do. 


  • One record I created stated the record created was a Contact, the next one was an Account. I would have to work with it a bit more to work out what it does here. (I had changed the form a bit, but my primary object was still Accounts). 
  • Error logging is all or nothing - an annoying email on every form created with an error or the form submission record just gets created. 
  • Who are the records owned by? (see below) (of course - write a workflow).  
  • OMG! Validation rules just prevent the record from being created! WTAF?!?!? No details back to the user, no ability for the user to correct the value, NOTHING! 
    • So, if you had some validation rules you would have to NOT use those fields, create new fields that don't have the validation rules, and then use workflows to update those fields with valid data. 
    • PLUS the submission just goes away - you can't see the data that is submitted at all. This is just scary. I can NOT use this product! Why isn't the XML of the form submission at least added as an attachment to the Form Submission record? 
  • Add the Record owner to the form and set the default record owner. 


  • Lookup values can be accessed on the forms, but they will publish ALL your Salesforce data in the view that is set for that Lookup record so BEWARE! AND the lookup styling is very bad bad bad. They at least address this in the help, a bit. 
  • You have to be VERY careful you are not exposing confidential information in picklist values via the forms. Do really good testing! 
  • Watch for duplicates - a record will NOT be created if the form is an upsert and there are two matching records. What happens to all that data? (There is a note on the help doc that says it's stored on FastForms server, but how do you get to it?)
