OK, this is getting somewhere.
Set up the Scratch Org
First step log into the dev hub
Info |
hmm, error.
Even though I’m within the dates of the preview as specified here https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.220.0.sfdx_dev.meta/sfdx_dev/sfdx_dev_scratch_orgs_version_selection.htm |
So I start again without the Preview Org and run the command and I have a scratch org.
Open the scratch org with
Code Block |
sfdx force:org:open |
And push the metadata in my folders in my local machine via
Code Block |
sfdx force:source:push |
Then assign the perm set and import the data as per the trailhead module so I can get Dreamhouse app up and running.
Code Block |
sfdx force:org:open |
And there it is, Dreamhouse app ready to go.
Now, Commit to ensure Git is all nice and clean ready for the next step.
Working on the Scratch Org
As I continue working, each thing I do in the org I use the command
Code Block |
sfdx force:source:pull |
Which brings the metadata down to the source on my local machine.
Weird Things
The end goal for me would be to create a scratch org that I am happy using that has all my standard modifications in it (eg as shown in