Lots of known issues https://success.salesforce.com/issues_index?tag=Process%20Builder
Building a Process
It is really hard to see exactly what the criteria are, and you have to click into the diamond to see it - BEWARE! mistakes are going to be made.
I had to really shorten the Criteria Name so it displays in the diamond in a readable fashion.
The 3 fields are actually filters on the Campaign - not that you can tell that.
I suggest you use Formulas instead - it is at least somewhat readable.
- Can't use formulas for creating field values. Options:
- Create the formulas in other fields
- Use Publisher Actions
- Use Flow Triggers.
- OMG, can't use some major formulas in Process Builder.
"If a formula in a process uses any of the following functions, the formula will return null.
• ISPICKVAL" Formulas can only be 3000 characters, which is way less than even regular formulas, and usually the trick is to use Workflows to deal with larger formulas - back to workflows for this one.
- I could not use AND(true,true,true), I had to use true && true && true.
- You can't check Syntax on the formula - you have to save it and go back into each time.
- You can't see the actions that a process creates. https://success.salesforce.com/ideaView?id=08730000000Df9JAAS