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5 Users / YearFrom US$960/year (you can buy one user licence)
DescriptionForm building inside Salesforce


The documentation is not linked to from the website (or I can't find it), only from the appexchange or from within the product. 

Note this app is NOT lightning ready and you can not even use it in Lightning! 


  • GRR, just like FormAssembly the links to the help document inside the app are not target="_blank" so they take you away from where you are! Not cool. This is such an easy usability thing to fix! 
  • There can only be one primary object. This means:
    • No chatter posts - chatter is a second primary object. See work-around below but overly clunky. 
    • No hierarchical structures - you can't do children of children. (You might be able to do that with a Next button and redirect to another form). 
  • There is no simple regex or similar data validation. 
  • No Dynamic redirect URLs. I want to redirect to a URL that is saved on my record (eg set by workflow on record create or formula that references another record). 
  • Since you are adding data directly into the object there is no intermediary steps, so you will have to create many fields on your objects and update your main fields via workflows. Sometimes this could mean duplicate fields for many of your fields. 
  • A few too many clicks to create the forms - unhiding and hiding sections. Still an issue
    • And what is with the advanced options checkbox just to show / hide one button - clunky. 
  • After you change the label of the field there is no way of know which Salesforce field it is linked to - this is BAD! How is this still an issue? This is outrageous and quite a deal breaker. 
    • The data is there in the XML - why can't it be simply shown on the UI? 
  • Can't preview rules - have to publish the form to test the rules. 
  • They make a big thing about being able to publish files to chatter, but there is no way to just add a simple chatter post! 
    • OK, so you add a custom field to the object, make it a hidden field on the form, add a default value, create a Process Builder workflow to add a chatter post to that record when a record has been created with that default value. A work around, but clunky. 
  • There seems to be no way to add attachments to non primary objects - this is almost a deal-breaker. Still an issue. 
  • There is not even any way to comment on any parts of the form (yes, I know Form Assembly doesn't do that either!) -eg to say - don't change this default value it triggers process XYZ to add the opportunity. 
  • Why oh why can I not set a default required label? I'm just going to get very inconsistent forms. 
  • You can do formulas now, which is great!, but you would probably need to use Javascript to do something other than basic. Really takes away from their catch phrase of "No technical expertise required". 
    • I tried to create a total of the fields submitted on my form but since I have to know the API name of the field, and I CAN NOT SEE THAT once I have changed the field label I found it almost impossible to work out which field it was. 
    • AND you need a salesforce field to show the formula - you just can't have a text field on the form to show the formula. 
  • No related lists - eg have the user enter one or more child records by clicking a plus button on the form. 
  • No Dynamic branding - I don't want to have 3 forms for 3 different brands - it's a nightmare to maintain. 
    • I might be able to apply some CSS on the website where it is embedded but that is still an issue to maintain and needs a web dev. 
    • Oh, I might be able to add 3 different static images and use Rules to control them - yes that is what I have to do with Form Assembly too, which is just such an absolute pain! 
  • Oh the Lookup records are styled atrociously - so much so that I don't even know if you could style them appropriately - they use a standard view - you would have to limit that view to two fields max. See the help notes on this. 
  • I tried, I really tried. I could not work out a way to make the child object the primary object and set the lookup object as the default lookup (I would like to pre-fill it). The lookup field on the child object was not even on the fields pallet - so weird. It JUST CREATED A NEW RECORD in the object I was trying to lookup to - that is just NOT COOL! Look, there must be a way to do this and if I spent another 6 hours on it I could probably make it work, but nope. 


  • It says it's native to Salesforce but it does not create a link using your own sites URL - so therefore it's not creating a sites form - what is it doing? 
    • Ah, I suppose it says "the first 100% native form builder for Salesforce". It's just the form builder that's native - the form submission is not. 
  • I don't trust apps that link to third party APIs without any explanation of why and what data is going to and coming from third party sites - this app links to three third party sites. It at least needs to be documented in the knowledge base as to what these sites are and what they do. 


  • One record I created stated the record created was a Contact, the next one was an Account. I would have to work with it a bit more to work out what it does here. (I had changed the form a bit, but my primary object was still Accounts). 
  • Error logging is all or nothing - an annoying email on every form created with an error or the form submission record just gets created. 
  • Who are the records owned by? (see below) (of course - write a workflow).  
  • OMG! Validation rules just prevent the record from being created! WTAF?!?!? No details back to the user, no ability for the user to correct the value, NOTHING! 
    • So, if you had some validation rules you would have to NOT use those fields, create new fields that don't have the validation rules, and then use workflows to update those fields with valid data. 
    • PLUS the submission just goes away - you can't see the data that is submitted at all. This is just scary. I can NOT use this product! Why isn't the XML of the form submission at least added as an attachment to the Form Submission record? 
  • Add the Record owner to the form and set the default record owner. 


  • Lookup values can be accessed on the forms, but they will publish ALL your Salesforce data in the view that is set for that Lookup record so BEWARE! AND the lookup styling is very bad bad bad. They at least address this in the help, a bit. 
  • You have to be VERY careful you are not exposing confidential information in picklist values via the forms. Do really good testing! 
  • Watch for duplicates - a record will NOT be created if the form is an upsert and there are two matching records. What happens to all that data? (There is a note on the help doc that says it's stored on FastForms server, but how do you get to it?)
