- File > New > Project
- Choose Illuminated Cloud Project
- Click the green button next to Connections - I'm not sure if something is wrong with my IDEA installation but it just looks like a green ' to me. I think it's meant to be a pencil.
- Click the green plus at the top of the Connections screen
- Do the regular connection thingo - sad that it's not OAuth based yet. Still no OAuth many months later. This is definitely an issue for me.
- Click Test
- For some reason, if you get the connection details wrong, you can't seem to edit them in this screen. I don't know why.
- So click Test before you then click Connect
- The Metadata list will populate.
- I would LOVE to be able to select ALL in this list.
- Maybe there is a default metadata to be selected list similar to MM
- Or the way The Welkin Suite does it with pre-defined bundles based on Admin or Code
- But mostly I am doing this to download ALL the metadata for an org to back it up to source control (yeah, I know I don't know DX yet), so I want to select ALL - give me EVERYTHING.
- Choose Selected
- Select the Metadata Types you want.
- Click Next
- Leave DEFAULTS on this next screen - don't mess around with it.
- Click Next
- There is a setting where new projects can be opened in the same or new window. I have chosen new window - not sure which is best.
- Now WAIT.
- Hmm, this one was only 6 minutes - I wonder if it was because it was a production org, not a test org, and maybe the metadata retrieve is quicker on production orgs?
- See also this twitter convo about maybe removing the queue times for small Metdata Metadata retrievals
- When the diff tool comes up, select all in the upper window then press the >> arrows.
- This seems to take a while
- When the screen is blank, close it.
- Now wait for the indexing to complete - this will take a few minutes also.
- Hmm, for some reason I got an error that the Offline Symbol Table was not created
- third time creating a project, and not one has gone smoothly yet.
- It fixed itself after the Git index was completed.
- Now we want to save to Bitbucket.
- VCS > Enable Version Control Integration - choose Git.
- This creates a git repository in your folder.
- It takes a while to index
- Go to Git Settings and check Allow force push.
- Not really sure what this does, but it seems to be needed.
- Hmm, I'm confused again. I think what I did is:
- Right click on SRC folder and choose add to Git
- Hmm, I think I should have right clicked on the Project folder - as it only added the src folder to Git. So I went back and right clicked on the project folder.
- Then I could commit
- Commit the changes.
- Eg Backup from Prod
- Uncheck Perform code analysis
- Uncheck Check TODO
- Cick Commit
- Now, because we have force Push on, the Push window will appear
- Go to Bitbucket and create a repository
- Make it Private
- Grab the URL
- Click Define remote in the push window.
- It should all just work (you will have had to have logged into Bitbucket at some point though).
- Click Push.
- It takes a while
- VCS > Enable Version Control Integration - choose Git.
Getting Metadata
I still don't trust this app to get ALL the metadata in the org. I checked EVERYTHING in the list, one by one. Now my project only has about 20 folders. I hope it's because it just doesn't download empty folders?
Things I just don't understand
- Do I need an Offline Symbol Table if I'm not doing code.
- What Local Only, Local + Server, Server Only and Subscribed Only really mean - is this just some weird IDE thing that we need to work around? I just think Server is Salesforce, but why did some metadata not download when I asked it to download everything?
- How to set up IC in the most simplest way so I don't have to deal with the IDE crap that I don't need.
- This Org has 5 communities, only one internal community was retrieved.
- Three times after trying to retrieve ALL metadata, there are still things that say Server Only. I just can't trust this app!