Process Builder - Deploy from Sandbox to Production

Process Builder - Deploy from Sandbox to Production

Push Process Builder flow to Production with Change Set

Step-by-step guide

Follow these steps in Salesforce

  1. Go to Setup 
  2. Setup > Deploy > Outbound Change Sets > Continue > New > Name and Save > Under "Change Set Components" click "Add" button > Component Type: = Flow Definition > Select your "Process" > click "Add to Change Set" button.

  3. At this point, if all your fields and Profile settings in your Sandbox are the same as your production, then there is no need to further edit the "Change sets" page.

  4. Click "Upload" button . Click Radio button > click "Upload".

  5. You might need to wait a little while for it to appear in your Production Org (a few minutes or more)

  6. Deploys as Inactive (even if it is Active in your sandbox)

  7. Go to Setup > Deploy > Inbound Change Sets > Select your Change Set Name (this can take 30 mins or more...)

  8. You can then choose to Validate or Deploy it. Validating a change set allows you to view the success or failure messages you would receive with an actual Deploy.

  9. A change set is deployed in a single transaction. If the deployment is unable to complete for any reason, the entire transaction is rolled back. After a deployment completes successfully, all changes are committed to your org and the deployment can’t be rolled back.

  10. The Force.com platform requires that at least 75% of your code is covered by unit tests before you can deploy it to a production organization.

  11. After Deploying, a blue ribbon graphic appears - click the Deployment Status link within the blue ribbon saynig "Track the progress on the Deployment Status page"
  12. The Change Set Detail page will say "Deploy: Succeeded" if the Inbound Change Set has worked.

Further Info is here: https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=changesets_inbound_test_deploy.htm