Things I learnt studying for Certs

Things I learnt studying for Certs

After 4 years of using Salesforce I need to get more certs to remain a partner. Of course, you get stuck in your ways and don't look too much beyond what you know. So here's a few things I learnt about Salesforce

  • Limits on CM edition (I know a lot about limits on Group edition)
    • Only 3 tabs
  • Dashboards (I haven't done much with dashboards unfortunately). 
  • Activities (I don't use them much, I use chatter). 
    • 10 years maximum schedule for a yearly activity
    • 50 contacts can be added to an activity - wow, why? 
    • 100 users can be assigned to a task - wow, I hope I never have to set up a task like this. 
  • Outlook (as I don't use Outlook, I try to not get involved). 
    • Tasks 10 minutes to sync tasks and activities to outlook
  • Picklists https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewHelpDoc?id=picklist_limitations.htm&language=en_US
    • Users can select upto 100 values on a multi select picklist
    • Wheras MS picklists are 40 chars, picklists are 255 chars. 
  • Territory Assignment Rules
    • 15 Territory Assignment Rules
  • Validation Rules
    • 20 per object
  • Reports
    • 20 Report Filters (I'm sure I have hit this limit before) - but if you do, your reports are too complex - build a formula and then report on that. 
  • Approvals
    • 25 Approvers per step - I'm sure you are doing something wrong if you ever get near this!
    • 1000 Approval processes per org - I never want to work on this org!
  • Fields
    • Autonumbers can be 30 chars long - good to know. 
  • Teams
    • You can have 30 sales team members - Wow, that is a big sales team!
  • Sharing
    • 50 Criteria Based Sharing Rules per object - again, you are getting a bit complex if you get this far. 
    • But 200 sharing rules
  • Permissions and Profiles
  • Assignment Rules
    • 3000 assignment rule entries per the active assignment rule - imagine the naming conventions you would have to have to keep track of this many.
  • Imports
    • 100MB file size limit - seems small
  • Campaigns
    • Add 250 members via search
    • Add 50,000 via reports - but you can only show 2000 in the report without exporting, so that's weird. My thoughts are if you are going to be doing this more than once, you would probably write a trigger rather than deal with it manually 50,000 records at a time.
  • Custom Settings
    • 300 fields max - generous
  • Workflows
    • 50 Active workflows per object - yep, unfortunately run into that one - there is really no need for this many
    • 500 time triggers per hour. 
  • Data
    • 10,000 child records in a master detail relationship - yes, now I do remember this when looking at the account rules for Nonprofit Success Pack - NPSP - if you use the bucket account model this could become an issue. 
  • Validation https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewHelpDoc?id=fields_validation_considerations.htm&language=en_US
    • What is the only exception to triggering a Data Validation rule?
      • When you are performing a record merge
      • I suppose it makes sense - both records have already had the validation rules applied. (Presumably). 
    • You can use Validation Rules like Lookup Filters - weird 
  • Leads
  • Apps
    • Call Centre, Sales and Marketing - all three are basically exactly the same - why do they even bother? 
  • Help
    • The help front page can be modified with "gadgets" who knew? who ever goes to the help front page? 
    • On your profile you can show the app exchange apps that are installed in your company - what? Why? 



Areas I need to study more

  • Campaigns 
    • Campaign Influence
  • Forecasting
  • Activities
  • Sharing
  • Territories
  • Roles and Profiles



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