Drawloop - (formerly Nintex Document Generation)
Drawloop - (formerly Nintex Document Generation)
Setting up Drawloop
You have a shiney new install of Drawloop - what next.
There is an nice new Admin wizard to guide you through the steps of setting up, including
- Authorise 3rd party services
- Business or Standard - see below
- Set up Integrations (skip this for now).
- Set up examples (not sure these are necessary)
- Set up any standard buttons (only Classic, so skip this - you will use the Lightning Component)
- Org Wide Settings - Use files - use Upload for Pause to Edit.
- Add Users as Admins and Users
Upgrade to Loop Plus Business if needed.
- You want to send documents by workflow
- You want to dynamically insert images in documents (eg logos)
- You want to do a quote document with Opportunity and product details.
- Update Fields
- Basically, you need Loop Plus Business. Go to the Pricing page https://www.nintex.com/resources/salesforce-pricing/ HOWEVER, they seem to have removed the business level pricing - not sure what is going on there.
Things I LOVE about Drawloop
- The Lightning Component - go try Conga in Lightning and you will come back to DocGen in no time.
- Conditional Loop Documents (Filters) - only display documents in the Component if the underlying record meets the criteria for that document (not sure this is actually working in the Component though).
- The ability to edit the merged documents before sending them.
- Pause and Resume.
- The ability to add merge fields to existing attachments.
- The ability to attach documents from the record to the email.
- The ability to add numbered pages to all documents that go out in the email.
- Forms - so convenient if you don't need the data stored in Salesforce.
- Conditionally include documents in your merge - that is very cool!
- Unattended sending of documents.
- The pricing for automated sends (workflows, bulk runs) is so different to Conga, and so much more affordable!
- Whilst most of the Setup is now in Lightning the DocGen Packages Wizard is still in old Visualforce style. Surely that's an easy fix! Well it's partly in Lightning now, but it's still not ready for prime time.
- Still have to switch to Classic for bulk runs, but hopefully after Spring '18 they can fix that now. Wooohoo! Fixed - see Mass DDPs in Lightning
- There are still things not in Lightning
- The main App to run Drawloop still says Nintex Doc Gen and is a Classic App!
- Still only has wizards and buttons in Classic.
Things to Know
- I would avoid using the DocGen Wizard, as you want to set up your data structure first, then check the fields, then way later, upload your document.
- If you set up filters on the button ensure that all Packages for that object have the filter option set.
- If you are doing an automatic deployment, and have images, remember to add the image parameters to the Drawloop Next formula field - eg ";DeployType:autoemail;imageLogo=" & Logo__c" (Waiting)
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