Campaign Monitor Fields On Contacts
These are fields that I often use on the Contact for Campaign Monitor (or any other email app).
I name the fields CM so I know they are used for Campaign Monitor and not much else. Campaign Monitor requires the fields on the Contact, so we have to do formula fields to get Account fields on the Contact.
Eg a field named Is Active on the Account that is also used for a Person Account would need to be named CM Is Active on the Contact so we know to not use that field unless it’s for displaying on a report to sync to CM.
CM State
See Also City State Country
The key component to this field is that it gives you the State from the Account if the State is missing from the Contact.
with State and Country Picklists
IF( TEXT(Account.BillingCountryCode) = "AU", TEXT(Account.BillingStateCode),
IF( TEXT(MailingCountryCode) = "AU", TEXT(MailingStateCode) ,
Without State and Country Picklists
IF( Account.BillingCountry = "Australia", Account.BillingState,
IF( MailingCountry = "Australia", MailingState ,
If you are doing any serious segmentation on States, then ensure you have State and Country picklists turned on. You will just not get the consistency otherwise.
CM Postcode
Note: this is NOT really useful. If you are serious about this you need to do a lookup to a Local Government area or ABS stats area. Using Lookup Helper app is good for this type of Lookup also, but you can do it with DLRS too. This was created for a simple way to do segments by Metro Sydney and Melbourne only. Your data must be CLEAN for any of this to make any use.
With State and Country Picklists
IF(TEXT( MailingCountryCode) = "AU", VALUE(MailingPostalCode) ,0)
Display First Name
Note this doesn’t start with CM, as you will use this for Emails from Salesforce, for Contract Documents or anywhere where you want to communicate more informally to this person. This is if you have to legally collect their full name so also need a Preferred Name.
IF(NOT(ISBLANK( PreferredName__c )),PreferredName__c ,FirstName)
CM Account Name
Do you need Account name on your Marketing Emails? Why? Maybe for emailing about an event and having a conditional paragraph that is displayed if there is an Account Name “Please invite your colleagues from ABC Org for a further discount”.
Do you use Affiliations or Households in the NPSP? You may want to do a formula that brings in the Name from the Primary Affiliation if that is entered, or the Account if it’s not a Household Account.
CM Industry
For if we are segmenting by Industry.
Is Industry CET
But rather than do all the work in Campaign Monitor you may want to do Industry Segments as a field in Salesforce instead. Eg a Segment that is Construction, Engineering and Telecommunications create that as a field in Salesforce and create a field name Is Industry CET as a Boolean field because then you can use it in your Indicators Component also. (Of course your naming convention will be specific to your company’s needs).
ISPICKVAL(Industry, "Construction"),
ISPICKVAL(Industry, "Engineering"),
ISPICKVAL(Industry, "Telecommunications")
Is Fields
I always create a lot of Is Fields - Is Active, Is This Year, Is Last Year, Is Donor, Is Primary Contact… whatever I can do to simplify queries in Salesforce or segments in Campaign Monitor for fields that we need a company wide definition of what that means, I create an Is Field - because then you can use it in your Indicators Component also, and use it in Reports, and use it in Campaign Monitor Segments.
The only time you don’t use Is Fields in Campaign Monitor is if the fields need to be updated as part of the Preference Centre.
Related Record Component
Add all your CM fields to a Related Record Component on the Contact. Add that to a Marketing Tab on the Contact. Also add your CM Related Lists and the Campaign Related List.