I needed a simple way to show my users which fields were complete so the record was ready to send over to an integration. 


I have about 20 fields across 3 objects that need to be COMPLETED (eg data entered. I know I can't check easily that it's valid data, so I'm OK with checking for not blank).

I run into >5000 char limits when I try to do a big formula field. I've tried a few formula fields - eg grouping all Banking fields together as a Banking Fields Check, then doing a field update when all these check fields are checked, but it's unreliable as you've got to have field updates for when it's true and false.


What I really want is a Lightning Component that shows each field as a graphical indicator of completeness with the field help as hover text.

I tried creating something simple, but @Wire is hard, and getting the field metadata is hard.


A Result

This is the visual part so far. It's ugly as all heck, and it has some issues but WOW! 

Issues with it

How I built it

Don't Laugh! You use the tools at your disposal. 

Follwing on from Matt Lacey's excellent use of SVG and Visualforce, I thought I could leverage that, so that's where I started. 

Getting the SVG on the page was easy, then working out the Title and the Red / Green colour was easy enough, but then when I looped through the field set all my rectangles were on top of one another because the <apex:repeat> syntax does not know which record you are in as it loops, so I could not re-position the SVG. Yeah, apparently I can do some fancy stuff with a wrapper class, but this is just a POC. 

So I used an ugly hack and created a Table and styled the table. 

Visalforce page

<apex:page lightningStylesheets="true" standardController="Account">
        background-color: #004D40;
        background-color: #D81B60;
      .table {
         border-left: 2px solid white;  
      .hide {
         color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
         cursor: default;   
      .position {
    <div class="position">
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table">
            <tr height="15">
                <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Account.FieldSets.Completion}" var="f">
                    <td width="30" class="inddiv-{!IF($ObjectType.Account.fields[f].type='boolean',Account[f],IF(BLANKVALUE(Account[f],'')='','false','true'))} table">
                        <div class="hide" layout="none">
                            <apex:outputText title="{!$ObjectType.Account.fields[f].Label} - {!IF($ObjectType.Account.fields[f].type='boolean',Account[f],IF(BLANKVALUE(Account[f],'')='','false','true'))}:{!$ObjectType.Account.fields[f].inlineHelpText}" 

Yeah, I said it was ugly. 

The smart stuff is cool though. 

For each field, work out if it's a boolean or not. If it's not a boolean work out if it's blank or not. Return True or False. The T/F value also drives which class is applied to the Table cell to determine the colour. The text in the table cell is hidden. A white border makes there look like there is space between the indicators. 

Use what you know. I know CSS, HTM, and Visualforce. I don't need a controller as this is all just fields on the record. 

Displaying it on the Page

For some reason, I don't know why, that VF page would not display on the Record Page on it's own. Not sure why. 

So I found This old repo by Doug Ayers about how to embed a VF page inside an Aura component and get it to refresh. Yeah, old technology and ugly! But it works!

So where's the POC at?