A list of resources that may be useful for you to learn more about Salesforce. 

Online Learning


Trailhead is a must! even if you do just the admin modules, and leave the Dev modules for later, you will learn a heap about how Salesforce works. They have just updated it with two new modules and new quizzes. And if you like gamification of your learning, you will love it. https://developer.salesforce.com/trailhead

Note: Log in with your personal developer org? Don't have one? Get one now https://developer.salesforce.com/signup?d=70130000000td6N. This should be in your personal name and linked to your personal email address, and not linked to who you work for at the moment. This login will be with you through the course of your career with Salesforce. Use it for the Success Community http://success.salesforce.com, exams and certification, and even Dreamforce registration. Use it whenever you are dealing with your learning for yourself.