5 Users / YearFrom US$960/year (you can buy one user licence)
DescriptionForm building inside Salesforce


Oh gee I was so excited about this product - a proper form building tool inside of Salesforce. It has been quite a while since I looked at this product, so I am looking at it again with fresh eyes because they have done many updates, and I have a new project that I could use Form Assembly for, but I still would like my forms closer to Salesforce.  

Although the issues list has gotten way smaller and the good things list has gotten way bigger, I still can't recommend this app for anything more than the simplest of forms. It is such a shame. It is really getting some great new features. But just the inability to see the field API name after you re-label the field just makes it almost impossible to use. 

All I want is a powerful form building tool inside Salesforce, so that my data does not have to ever leave Salesforce - where they enter the data is right inside Salesforce, and the record is created or updated then and there. I want the forms visible on a sites page, with the ability to style the forms how I want (yeah, I know CSS is a PITA on sites, but I would be willing to deal with that).

I don't want to have to log into another system and look through for errors, edit the response and manually resend the data (OK, with Form Assembly enterprise, you can at least access it from within Salesforce).

I really like the way Payments2Us does their forms, and if I could harness that for non payment forms, I would.

Someone please please please build me something! I will be a great tester for you!


There is no setup after installing - just go to the Fast Forms Tab in the Fast Forms app. 

You have to grant access to a number of third party services, and your data is (temporarily) stored on FF Servers, so beware of this - it might be a huge No No for you!


The documentation is not linked to from the website (or I can't find it), only from the appexchange or from within the product. 

Note this app is NOT lightning ready and you can not even use it in Lightning! 








As Fast Forms is just an XML layer on top of your salesforce fields, it can't and won't know if you change or delete fields in your object. You will have to keep a good amount of documentation to ensure that people know which fields are used by FastForms - I would suggest at least stick a FF or FF-MyForm in the description field to alert people that this field is also used by Fast Forms!

Good Things

