So I LOVE LOVE LOVE Excel Power Query, but recently I have been alerted to some other options. Now Google has released Data Connector for Salesforce too!

 Just because you love Excel, it may not necessarily meant that you **should** get your data out of Salesforce and into Excel. With great power comes great responsibility. Don't use these tools to get around building things properly in Salesforce, or to use Excel to justify why Salesforce isn't working for you. If you are having issues with Salesforce that you think can only be solved by exporting the data into Excel, then at least talk to me first (, so we can work out if there is a better way.


Cost : US$7/user/month. 



Use it for:

What I would love:

Analytics Edge

Cost : US$6/computer/month however you have to buy the connectors separately at an additional US$4/computer/month, so if you want multiple sources it could get exy. 



Use it for:

Other Options

These options are more expensive but also allow you to insert data into Salesforce