Recently I had the most horrible experience trying to set up an e-Signature App with Salesforce. The product just did not work and the company were not helpful. I have to do a new setup for a new client soon so I need to ensure I go into this with what I expect from an e-Signature app.

I use Docusign with Conga for one client and I did not set it up originally. It works, but it has not been substantially updated for a long time due to we are too scared of breaking things as it is such an integral part of their business. Docusign has some issues and my client has been hauled over the coals pricing wise over the last few years. They started out 9+ years ago with a reasonable plan, but they do a LOT of signatures, and Docusign has kept putting the price up. They do not use one single fancy feature of Docusign so there is no real reason to keep using them, except for inertia.

For me e-Signing goes hand in hand with document generation. I do like Conga and I do like Drawloop for Document Generation, but this new client is all in on Google Docs so we are not beholden to the old way of PDF generation, so I can look for something different, but if I go back to the baseline of PDF generation and e-Signing I need to know what I need.

This other app that shall remain nameless because it was so bad and I wasted so much of my time trying to help them make their app better, did not even save the document back to Salesforce, which is the most basic feature needed, so I need to ensure I know what features are absolutely necessary.

Admin Features

Core Features - Non Negotiable.

If you app does not have these features, it is not a valid Salesforce e-Signature app.

Features that many companies need

Optional Features that are great

Features that I would like

Features that I’ve never needed

Mainly because I work with small businesses.

NOTEs: Document Generation Requirements

Just noting these here because I’m having difficulty with a Doc Gen app and thinking they are missing basic functionality.