
Tools used


Fabulous Features:

Features I’m not using:



Set up AddEvent templates

Create and test your Calendar within the App

Grab your API Code from the Documentation https://www.addevent.com/documentation


Or any other API tool

Hard code the values for now.

Test the API and ensure your Calendar looks the way you want it to.



Now we are going to make the OpenAPI Spec to import into Salesforce to use in Flow

I use Swagger, you can build it yourself, or Mulesoft can do it too. There are probably other tools. Apparently Postman can do this too, but you know how you learn different tools for different things and just keep using them.

Generate the Swagger file from the Postman

Tidy Up

Now it’s time to tidy up the spec by removing hard coded values and replacing them with placeholders and adding good examples and descriptions


Export the Spec as JSON Unresolved

My Calendar API is pasted here in full AddEventCreateCalendar and AddEventCreateEvent

External Services

Create Named Credential

Note this is the cheat way of doing External Services as the API itself is not authenticated. I have NEVER gotten External Services working with an authenticated Named Credential because I always give up because it seems to hard.

In this case all the information published on the calendars is public so I have no issues using an unauthenticated API.

External Services

First Hurdle

Ah crapity crap, I’m two months or so ahead of myself. OpenAPI 3 is not supported until Spring '22 (February 22). I will leave these screen shots and rebuild my API as OpenAPI 2

Unfortunately the next screen shots will be for the OpenAPI 2 spec and it may be different when version 3 comes along.

At the end of this process you should have an ExternalService registered


Creating your own OpenAPI Spec to use in External Services means YOU are responsible for maintaining it if the API breaks (well they should use canonical versioning, but you never know), or if you need to make some business changes your end. It’s not ideal, but sometimes it is the best way. Just be aware of the trade-offs. Unfortunately, and especially because of no support for OpenAPI 3 yet, just plugging a fully qualified OpenAPI Spec’d endpoint into an External Service may not work (I’ve never gotten it to work). So hand crafting OpenAPI Specs is the only way.

Next do the same for your Create Event API Spec.

Salesforce Data Structure

This bit will be up to you, but this is what I’ve got

Parent Object



Maps to

Calendar Name



Calendar Description

Long Text





creates the Australia/Sydney from the state NSW etc


Calendar ID


id (return)

Calendar Page URL


link_long (return)

Calendar Unique Key


uniquekey (return)

Calendar Edit URL

Formula (URL)
Adds /view onto the end of the Calendar Page URL

Calendar Colour

You might want to have a different colour depending on the type of the calendar. I will hard code this in the formula for now


Image URL

I’m storing the images in Files and store the Public URL of the Image here

bannerimage in custom_data

Child Object

Representing each event in the Calendar



Maps to




plus also get the timezone and potentially even color values from the parent object


Event Name

title (or eventname - Internal Name) depending on how you want to do it


Options for Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly (I only have recurring events)

Event Description



Event Start

(I can set the duration of each event to be 1 hr by default based on the date I enter)


Event End

Date / Time
(if you only ever have all day events this could be Date only)


All Day Event

based on if the Event End has a Time or some other business rule (I have a type of event that is all day and another type that is a particular time)


Recurring Rule

(or Flow to set the value. Depending on your events will depend on the complexity of this formula)


Optional fields for color, internalname

Custom Setting

Could be a CMDT but this is simple name value pairs and it’s much simpler to use Custom Settings in Flow so I’m going this way.

NOTE: as everything about this service is public I’m not particularly worried about the token so it’s find in a custom setting. DO NOT do this if you are doing something with more sensitive data.



Maps to

Template Embed ID



Template ID






Weekday Begin



Enter your data into your custom setting


Now this bit is important. We are going to create an Autolaunched Flow that all it does is takes in everything via parameters and returns data via parameters. NO DML, no links to anything else in this Flow!

The Custom Settings can be created as Formulas and get the data from the custom setting directly.

This is because if you EVER need to change the External Services Spec you can’t do it if it’s referenced in a Flow or any version of a Flow. So it’s easier to just delete the link to the Subflow, update the External Service and the Subflow and plug in the Subflow again.

Unfortunately my image didn’t work (customdata) I rebuilt it into a Text Template but it seems the new functionality on AddEvent doesn’t work again, so I’ve raised a support ticket. I will come back to that. (Apparently it was a glitch on their end).

Link it up to the Object

Now we are going to create another Flow (either Autolaunched or Screen Flow) to gather the data from the object to create the Calendar.

I won’t detail out this bit, it’s pretty specific to your org and where you are getting the fields from.

In my case I want each Calendar verified and checked before the Calendar and Events are being created. I only have two recurring events on each Calendar so in the one Screen Flow I will

The users will have the option to delete the calendar and start again if needed.

To create the Calendar then update the Parent Record, and then create the Calendar Events in the same Flow I had to put a Commit in after the initial update and before the External Services callout for the Calendar Event. This is the Commit Action that I used. (Or you could break it up into two Flows).

End Result

Unfortunately I can’t show you the final result as it’s in a client’s org but it is a really cool Flow that steps them through inputting custom things like the name of the Calendar and the name of the two Events, then creates the Calendar and the Two events, updates the Parent Record, then links that Parent record to a whole heap of other records to say “this is the correct Calendar for this record”. There will be 100 or so Calendars created in the first batch. Once they are all created we will send out comms to say “hey, here’s your new calendar for 2022 - subscribe here”, and they will get the link to their customised calendar.