This guide is intended for small businesses that have a pretty straightforward setup - eg you do not have a server in your back room, you use cloud services by default, and do not do any custom software development.
(If you have a server, or do custom software development, read ahead, and there will be more for you to do than is mentioned here).
Step 0 - The 6 Knows
Telstra has a great methodology called The Five Knows. I will add one more.
Know why you are embarking on this journey:
How does having good cybersecurity fit into your business values?
What benefit will good cybersecurity have for your business? Eg will it be that you are 20% better than your competitors, or just that you can sleep better at night?
Easy Mode | Get it Done | The Journey |
Think about who, what, why, when:
| Make lists of data, people, software, logins, hardware, devices:
| Start some Registers:
Think about what would you like to be doing better? | Write down something about what being better at cybersecurity will look like. | Plan how you are going to bring your staff along on this journey. |
Step 1 - Knowledge
Easy Mode | Get it Done | The Journey |
Read the Australian Government Small Business Cybersecurity Guide.
| Decide if SMB1001 Gold self attestation may be good fit for your business.
| Heading for ISO27001? Wanting to do more government Work?