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This is a tool that helps address a current platform limitation around rollup summaries. Specifically the inability to do rollup summaries between lookup relationships.
It was built by Andrew Fawcett:
It is a free alternative to Rollup Helper
But remember, it is community app, so comes with no support except for the fabulous people on the Success Community So use it in production at your own risk.
For Sandbox
This is the Wiki Andrew has created - it should be the most up to date resource for DLRS:
Its best to navigate to the Packaged Release History section (, scroll down and ensure you are installing the latest version.
You need to sign-in to the AppExchange with a production email - you will then later choose to install DLRS into your Sandbox.
Once installed - click "+" in the tab bar and search for Lookup Rollup Summaries
If you receive an error about Remote Site Settings then click the Button and your remote site URL will be created. The URL should use your instance and look something like this: Copy the value before the in the Address bar in your browser and put it before the You can search for Remote Site Settings under Setup to see what just took place.
Recently there has been a major change in the way DLRS was constructed - it's good, but beware. It now uses Custom Metadata which means your Rollups will work in Sandbox after you refresh your Sandbox, and you can deploy them from Sandbox to Production.
But there is now TWO tabs to go to and some of your Rollups may be in the Lookup Rollup Summaries tab and some may be in the Manage Lookup Rollup Summaries tab. Try and move them all to the Manage Lookup Rollup Summaries tab when you can.
Also, it's a bit disconcerting when you go to the MLRS tab and you can't see all your rollups in a list view like you would think - use the Select Lookup Summary dropdown box to view your previously created ones.
Go to Apex Jobs to see the status of your Rollups when you first click Calculate to calculate your initial fill of data. This can take quite a long while because it does it in batches. Don't rely on your data until the job is finished.